George R.R. Martin, you incredible man, you’ve done it again! In the fifth installment of A Song of Ice and Fire, Martin has nearly outdone himself with his breadth of plot and depth of character. For those unfamiliar with the series, Martin has created the world of Westeros, a vaguely British feeling medieval land that is embroiled in a massive “game of thrones” as various powerful families and outside forces vie for the Iron Throne and lordship over the vast realm. We’ve followed the Houses of Stark, Greyjoy, Targaryen, Lannister, Baratheon and a host of others as they rebel, defend and die at the hands of each other. Meanwhile, far to the North at The Wall, the first defenders of the realm, The Nights Watch, has begun an assault upon a supernatural force that descends from the haunted forest and frozen wastes inhabited only by murderous and wild clans. Already, you can tell that this book, let alone the series, is not for the faint at heart.

It is hard to write a review like this without completely ruining the plot for other readers, because I had so many moments during A Dance of Dragons where I literally dropped the book, yelled “WTF!” and then had to freak out for several moments before being able to continue on my way. It is a testament to Martin’s skill that I felt so much compassion and connection with a character that is otherwise completely not relatable to a contemporary reader such as myself. Although I’d like to feel closer to a fifteen-year-old exiled queen who just happens to own three dragons and leads an army of a hundred thousand, don’t get me wrong.
While Martin’s ability to rip the floor from under you is certainly admirable and makes for exciting reading early on, there were moments towards the later half of the novel (you know, around page seven hundred or so) where his formula for character arches becomes a bit predictable. After my initial freak out, I was able to realize that I probably could have seen it coming. However, those moments are few and far between, overshadowed by the immense plot lines that weave back and forth throughout the novel. It is the plot that is perhaps my favorite aspect of A Dance of Dragons. It’s just so good. And I realize that makes me sound like an inarticulate 6th grader, but it has to be said. At it’s heart, the book is a story of the ambiguity of what is good and right and an attempt to answer questions about who has the ultimate right to power. There is religion, statesmanship, academia, and even the odd romance thrown in along the way to make the human connections between the vast casts of characters compelling while also actually forcing the reader to think a bit. It’s a novel that starts a conversation. I’ve spent evenings with several friends trying to predict what might come next or rehashing our favorite bits or even just laughing over a clever jape made by the soon to be infamous character of Tyrion Lannister.
I say soon to be infamous because many of you are reading this review have perhaps heard of a little television phenomenon called Game of Thrones on HBO. Yes, this is the series that it is based upon. Yes, you should watch the show because it’s tremendously well done and breathtaking to behold. And yes, yes, a thousand times yes you should start reading the series because there is magic to Martin’s words, ideas and entire world that no TV series, no matter how wonderful, can ever hope to attain. So there you go...pick up A Dance of Dragons (after the first four books of course!) and delve into the Seven Kingdoms. Just watch out for rogue dragons and the occasional white knight along the way.